Gelukkiger en stralender leven Oeroude wijsheid aanspreken Gemakkelijk en moeiteloos handelen

Splendid-Life in short:

  • We teach about energy: perceiving energy, attuning to your own source and subconscious, from excessive thinking to experiencing and feeling as a compass, taking good care of yourself and your energy balance and staying true to yourself in all possible situations. You learn to deal with changes in yourself and in the outside world.
  • What you have learned penetrates directly and deeply into your daily life: private and professional.
  • The earth and nature and the connection with them form an important pillar in everything we do. We are part of nature and we can learn a lot from it. Especially now.

What does it bring you?
Desired changes are underway. You will gain, among other things, more confidence, freedom, peace, ease, inspiration, confidence and fun. You have been initiating desired changes for some time and also learn to deal with changes in the outside world.

We work through training, travel and excursions, reading and healing.

The journeys often appear to be life-changing.

What people say about us:

“I just make much better jokes when I’m grounded”

“Very accessible and light and at the same time the meditations have an incredible impact!”

“Everything is possible and allowed on this journey, there is no judgement. My personal development has accelerated rapidly…”

“It was only because of the infinite space I was given on this trip that I was able to do it all!”

In his book Living Land, Tjeerd Gorter takes you on a journey through old and new knowledge about the earth. There are major issues in our time, such as overclimate and the environment, about the large numbers of people with stress and burnout, about how we make our decisions, etc. By reassigning meaning to the earth with consciousness, many answers can be found. Such questions are considered quite simple. The book contains a large number of practical tools to get to know and experience the earth again and, above all, to experience the personal connection with it on a deep level. And above all it is an ode to our beautiful planet!

Tjeerd Gorter
energetisch facilitator